
Our Beliefs

We believe the Bible (the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments) is God’s Word, completely trustworthy and without error in the original manuscripts. It is the ultimate authority for all that we believe and practice. The Bible’s truth is timeless and speaks to us today. 

The Bible teaches that one real and personal God exists eternally in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

The Bible teaches that every person was created in the image of God to glorify him and enjoy him forever. The human race, however, is separated from God because of our sin (choosing a life/path independent from God and His perfect design for us). Left to ourselves, we would never seek a relationship with God or fulfill the magnificent purpose for which we were created, but instead choose a self-destructive future. 

God the Son became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life, obeying God’s law fully, suffered and died on the cross for the sins of His people, and was then physically raised from the dead on the third day. He did all of this to accomplish the salvation of His people. Jesus will return at the end of history to judge the living and the dead. 

Salvation is received by faith in Jesus Christ alone, not by good works. Anyone who trusts and believes in Jesus’ death for their personal sins is forgiven and accepted by God, and is restored to a personal relationship with Him as His sons and daughters. 

We believe that all those, anywhere and in all times, who have trusted in Christ (head of the church) as their Savior make up the one true Church. The purpose of the local church is to worship God, share the gospel, strengthen believers, and be a place of prayer and mercy.

Holy Spirit
We believe that Jesus’ chief gift bestowed upon the Church is the Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Teacher, Counselor, Convicter of sin, and Sanctifier. He is the Presence of God in us, who is alive and actively empowering the people of God with gifts aimed at building the Kingdom of God and bearing the fruit of Heaven on earth. 

We believe that no true success or joy or peace can be attained apart from a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The salvation that Jesus has accomplished for us is the solution to our greatest problem, which is sin. The more we apply Gospel-truth to our lives, the better we fulfill the grand design of the Creator for our lives.